

April 8 , 2020

Cardiovascular Workout to Keep Your Heart Healthy

All you need is a nice pair of running shoes to get in a solid cardio-vascular exercise. To help you complete your routine, most cardio-vascular exercise requires little or no third-party apparatus.

With most exercises, you should always remember to warm up first and cool down afterwards. This means gently stretching and moving your muscles to start with. Jumping right into hard-core exercises can lead to stiffness and cramps. Ease yourself into it. Then, after exercise, the cooldown is just gently moving the muscles and joints to stretch and relax as your body returns to its normal pace.

Running: Make sure you have a good pair of shoes for running. Nowadays, the quality of these shoes is highly researched and designed to reduce shock from the feet to the back. So, worry not, you will get what you pay for.

Before you start your run, be sure to warm up first. Begin with a brisk walk; you should move your arms vigorously, gradually breaking into a slow jog. It is better to run at a speed at which you can still converse. If you find yourself losing breath, slow your pace down until you've recovered.

Now increase the length and time of your run by a couple of minutes every other time you hit the road or treadmill until you can run for 30 minutes without stopping.

Try to increase your run time by 10% each week; remember not to overdo it, and don’t forget to warm down at the end of each by slowing down gradually. After the completion of your run, stretch your legs for 30 seconds per muscle: hamstring, calf, and thigh.

Cycling is one of the best ways to get a healthy heart. First of all, if you are riding on the road, safety is paramount. Always use the appropriate safety equipment when riding on the road. Most people work within a five-mile radius of their place of work, which is a perfect distance for a bike ride.

Exercise bikes can be used in a variety of ways, including general riding for a specified length of time, which is like going for a bike ride without the dangers of road riding and the weather. Warm-up riding: you can use an exercise bike to warm up the legs before a leg workout.

Also, exercise bike classes are taken by an instructor who will put you through various levels of pace, quite like a circuit training exercise with a bike.

You may find it surprising to find that riding a bike five miles three times per week will improve your heart rate, posture, skin, and weight control. Great ways of relieving stress also include riding and running.

Swimming is one of the best ways to firm up and trim your body. Due to the resistance, the water has on the body, swimming involves all the major muscle groups, which allows the body to burn up to 20% more calories than swimming through the air. Swimming a few lengths daily will keep you fit and give you an excellent workout. Swimming also has less impact on the joints than, say, running.

Try to speed up your swim if you want to go a little further. You can perform excellent aerobic exercise and give your body a great workout.

Start by swimming 1-2 lengths at a time, resting between sets if necessary. Call it a day after you have swum ten lengths. Repeat the procedure the following day until you can swim five lengths without stopping. Add a further length for every return to advance to ten lengths.

You can put together your cardio workout routine in the gym; if you have a problem with this, then the staff on hand will write one for you and show you how to achieve your goal. Try to make your cardio last for half an hour and a half a day.



To keep your heart happy, do the above-mentioned exercises for a healthy heart. Cycling and running are cardio exercises that are beneficial to your health. You can Schedule Doctor Appointment on Health Gennie is a Doctor Booking App to help you discuss your health problems with one click on the app. Don’t wait to get in line for the doctor’s appointment! If you are a beginner, begin slowly at first and then gradually build your stamina and the density of the exercises. Follow these tips and see the magic that comes.


The information on this blog is not a substitute for any professional medical diagnosis or treatment. The blog contains text, images or graphics are solely for informational purpose. Before implementing the information mentioned above, seek the advice of a professional doctor regarding any doubt or question you may have about the medical condition or treatment. Also, take the advice of a professional health care provider before making changes in your health care routine.

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